The LivingRoom is a hospice started by Juli McGowan in Kipkaren, Kenya. It is the very same hospice that this team helped with the garden for patients and their families to walk together. It is the only hospice that will be helping children. On February 3, 2011, Juli sent me this email and picture of the latest edition to the LivingRoom family. I thought it was extremely touching how the village and the things that are being done in the village-- come full circle. Here is that email--
Today I brought a 4 year old girl named
Purity to Living Room. She is
terribly malnourished and has all of the
classic signs of kwashiorkor.
Her lethargy is telling. When she
arrived, I wrapped her in one of the
quilts the women had made. Something
about that was life-giving to me.
There is a long and hard battle that must
be fought for the sake of
this little one. I wanted to say thank
you for being a part of it.
A single idea, a single action can
move the world. It has for this little girl.
To everyone who has contributed in anyway
to Spanda INC. Thank you for all you do.
What would you do for any
little human being?--anything.
Thank you Everyone.