Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How do we say goodbye?

The releiving message the locals have left us with is that they don't say "goodbye"...just "we will see you again". Another powerful day here in Kipkaren. The projects were finished up with great success!

Mark, Sharon, & I spent all morning at the local school matching up pen pal letters from the kids at CR Prairie and matching up the Comfort Dolls with their child. We took pictures so you who sponsored dolls can see the light in the childrens' faces with their new dolls. It was like they weren't sure if the doll was actually for them. After reassurance it was a gift from a friend in America, they would take the doll in their arms and hug it with great love. I'm giddy thinking about it.

Mom and dad finished their work at the gardens at the Living Room and created a place of growth, beauty, and hope. The staff and residents expressed how it would chenge their lives.

Caroline, Dr. Fitz, and Jennifer worked miracles at the clinic finishing the chlorinator system at the health clinic. They were challenged with finding the right parts and compatible pieces to make the system work. They did it!

I made some amazing friends in the houseparents at the childrens' particular Etna & Mark We are grateful and honored to meet such devoted and loving people.

After a beautiful goodbye ceremony full of song and speeches of gratitude, we are dizzy with happiness and the message from a people who have hope to change their conditions for the better. They expressed thanks to us, and all I keep thinking is how much they have given us.


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