Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday worship

Hello Everyone
After breakfast on Sunday we all headed to church which is just down from the clinic. We had an unfortunate time as one of the first patients had passed away around 8am Sunday. Very sad for the family and the community she was 35, and leaves two children 10 and 12. The Living Room is one of the only hospice in Kenya that will be serving adults as well as children. Even the Kenyan government does not recognize the need and existence of a hospice like facility. So it was very sad, but led more determination for this team to understand the importance of what they are doing. In the service, we honored Rose's passing as a blessing and the end of her suffering and standing with her saviour. We ,on the team, all got to met Rose. God bless everyone in the world with this need and the celebration of life hereafter.
That afternoon, I had an opportunity to meet with a professor from Moi university. Very nice honor. They presented my team and I with gifts. We had a great brainstorming session about the clinic, the water and the great changes it has made and the future of those changes.
Then down to the worksite we went. Not thinking we would do much than work out all the details. We moved to truck loads of sand and began the pavers for the walkway for the hospice, the LivingRoom. We worked until the rain began, which right around 6:30pm. We quickly placed tarps over the sand that did not have pavers to save from flooding. The rain is considered a blessing and in that case this is a very blessed place and a very blessed project.
Hope all is well with everyone I will blog later day. Much to say. Kwaheri(goodbye for now:)


  1. Prayers from here for Rose and all. God Bless.

  2. Many thanks for helping those who need it so much and taking the time to share it with us. Positive thoughts and prayers are being sent your way. Lolly
